I’m freezing to partecipate to the new 2019 Wallpepper Catalog, new illustrations and watercolors, fashion style ,interior design and Japan style!
Nature and decor style, with the transparency of watercolor.

watercolor illustration, acquerello, interior, wallpaper, decor, birds, flower, blue

watercolor illustration, acquerello, decor, interior, wallpaper, fashion, flower

watercolor illustration, acquerello, interior, wallpaper, fashion, Paris, Parigi, France

watercolor illustration, acquerello, interior, wallpaper, fashion style and New York, city, wallpaper

watercolor illustration, acquerello, interior, wallpaper, fashion style and Milano, city, wallpaper

watercolor illustration, acquerello, interior, wallpaper, fashion style and Japan style, city, wallpaper
- Categoriesacquerello, arredamento, carta parati, città', fashion, fashion accessories, fiori, flower, illustration, illustrazione, moda, natura, nature, paesaggio, uccelli, wallpaper, watercolor