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Watercolor animation, whales

Sto preparando con Luca Mari/ASC, un’animazione ad acquerello sull’estinzione delle balene dell’oceano nord atlantico, un bellissimo lavoro per una Ong americana, Ifaw, International Fund for Animal Welfare. Sono illustrazioni che raccontano i pericoli e le cause della morte delle balene. L’animazione sara’ su web e sara’ anche presentata a Cape Cod in occasione di un evento, Cape Simphony Event.


I’m preparing with Luca Mari/ASC a watercolor animation about the plight of North Atlantic right whales, and how to save them. The client is Ifaw, International Fund for Animal Welfare.  The animation will be used for web and for a event in Cape Cod, the Cape Simphony Event.

whales extintion, sea and pollution, illustration watercolor

Watercolor animation, illustrations of extintion of whales