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carnet de voyage

  • 28 febbraio 2024

    MSC Crociere e Moleskine

    Sto disegnando delle illustrazioni ad acquerello e inchiostro per MSC Crociere e Moleskine, per uno sketchbook che raffigura tutto il mondo. E’ bellissimo passare dall’Oceania al Mediterraneo, passando per il Sudamerica, un meraviglioso viaggio immaginario. Arte, cultura, popoli, paesaggi e animali.

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  • Ho realizzato le illustrazioni ad acquerello e china per il Reservation Book San Pellegrino del 2023, con l’agenzia Yam112003. Mi ha fatto molto piacere occuparmi di sostenibilità, attenzione per l’ambiente e per la natura, e cura per il cibo, tutti temi trattati nel libro.

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  • 20 settembre 2021

    HOOA Gallery

  • Very excited for the solo exhibition I’ll have at Galleria Gamondio, in Castellazzo Bormida, a town that is very passionate to art and illustration. Galleria Gamondio had many illustrator exhibitions,  for example of Sergio Toppi, Ivo Milazzo and Riccardo Guasco. I’ll have for the moment a on line exhibition, for the current situation, but we hope to have a real […]

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  • I painted watercolor and ink fashion illustrations for Mia Le Journal event in Milan, 10th anniversary of the fashion magazine

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  • I’ve painted the watercolor illustrations for an illustrated book, Resine Fogel,  Loescher edition, a gothic novel about two kids that live  in France, and there is a mystery between them. I really liked to illustrate the landscape and the vineyard in France, their light and their atmosphere. Many scenes were during the night, or in the twilight.

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  • I’m very proud to be part of a new project by Paolo Fresu record company, Tuk Music, a watercolor animation for an album entitled Clorofilla-Rami/Riturnella, about nature, clorophyll and trees, and about the Animation about chlorophyll, nature and ecology and save the planet. Editing Matilde Montesi and Simone Pontini

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  • I’ve illustrated the watercolor for a poster, for Les Baroquiales, Festival d’art baroque, at Sospel,France, on July 2019. Graphic by Carla Mantero. Animals playing musical instruments,dancers, actors and musicians, and the beauty of french nature and landscape.

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  •   Thanks to Daniel and Studio Container!

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  • Francia con Grace Kelly e pel di carota – La Stampa Su La Stampa Viaggi un articolo sul libro illustrato ad acquerello che ho fatto per Bompiani, e che racconta la Francia in modo diverso, le sue storie particolari, l’arte, gli scrittori famosi che l’hanno amata. Heminguay, Picasso, Coco Chanel, Man Ray, Josephine Baker. Roberto Giardina è stato molto […]

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  • Esselunga, nuova apertura a Treviglio

    Continua il lavoro con Il Sole 24ORE Cultura e, museo della cultura a Milano. Il libro è illustrato da me e  scritto da Alessandra Galasso. Acquerelli accesi, i colori di Frida, rossi, viola, aranci, turchesi, e poi le sue acconciature, i gioielli, gli accessori, gli abiti ricamati, i corpetti, tanti strati di stoffe colorate. La moda di Frida. My […]

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  • Watercolor illustration of a tree, birds and flowers, for an exhibition in Milan, Sharing Art, about sharing economy, in Milan.

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