28 febbraio 2024
MSC Crociere e Moleskine
Sto disegnando delle illustrazioni ad acquerello e inchiostro per MSC Crociere e Moleskine, per uno sketchbook che raffigura tutto il mondo. E’ bellissimo passare dall’Oceania al Mediterraneo, passando per il Sudamerica, un meraviglioso viaggio immaginario. Arte, cultura, popoli, paesaggi e animali.
01 febbraio 2023
San Pellegrino Reservation Book 2023
Ho realizzato le illustrazioni ad acquerello e china per il Reservation Book San Pellegrino del 2023, con l’agenzia Yam112003. Mi ha fatto molto piacere occuparmi di sostenibilità, attenzione per l’ambiente e per la natura, e cura per il cibo, tutti temi trattati nel libro.
02 luglio 2022
Watercolor animation for Nervi music ballet festival 2022 I painted the watercolor illustrations for Nervi music ballet festival 2022, it is an animation for the opening of the festival, agency Armando Testa and editing Littlebull
20 settembre 2021
HOOA Gallery
16 settembre 2021
Mura Mura Relais
16 giugno 2020
Watercolor animation, Riso Gallo, Armando Testa Agency
Very excited for this recent watercolor animation, in collaboration with ArmandoTesta @ArmandoTestaSpa, editing by @Littlebull, client Riso Gallo @RisoGalloIT
11 giugno 2020
Solo exhibition at Galleria Gamondio
Very excited for the solo exhibition I’ll have at Galleria Gamondio, in Castellazzo Bormida, a town that is very passionate to art and illustration. Galleria Gamondio had many illustrator exhibitions, for example of Sergio Toppi, Ivo Milazzo and Riccardo Guasco. I’ll have for the moment a on line exhibition, for the current situation, but we hope to have a real […]
09 marzo 2020
Acqua Levico
A new artwork for Acqua Levico, with DinamoMilano Agency, a watercolor illustration about woman and nature, describing a forest and the purity of water. For website and an event.
17 gennaio 2020
De Sede Imm Cologne interior design fair
I’ve made the watercolor illustrations for @Desede, a interior design factory, they take part at @Immcologne, a interior design fair in Germany. A series of illustrations about sixties, seventies, eighties and nineties, and about what happened in those years in the world, Mandela, Sidney Concert City Hall, Woodstock, the movies, 2001 a space odissey, Annie hall, the godfather. A exciting […]
09 maggio 2019
Loescher, Resine Fogel, by Iacobelli
I’ve painted the watercolor illustrations for an illustrated book, Resine Fogel, Loescher edition, a gothic novel about two kids that live in France, and there is a mystery between them. I really liked to illustrate the landscape and the vineyard in France, their light and their atmosphere. Many scenes were during the night, or in the twilight.
I’m very proud to be part of a new project by Paolo Fresu record company, Tuk Music, a watercolor animation for an album entitled Clorofilla-Rami/Riturnella, about nature, clorophyll and trees, and about the Animation about chlorophyll, nature and ecology and save the planet. Editing Matilde Montesi and Simone Pontini
27 febbraio 2019
Les Baroquiales, Festival d’art baroque
I’ve illustrated the watercolor for a poster, for Les Baroquiales, Festival d’art baroque, at Sospel,France, on July 2019. Graphic by Carla Mantero. Animals playing musical instruments,dancers, actors and musicians, and the beauty of french nature and landscape.
27 febbraio 2019
2019 Wallpepper Catalog
I’m freezing to partecipate to the new 2019 Wallpepper Catalog, new illustrations and watercolors, fashion style ,interior design and Japan style! Nature and decor style, with the transparency of watercolor.
16 luglio 2018
Animazione ad acquerello, Ifaw, work in progress Watercolor animation, Ifaw, work in progress
Sto preparando con Luca Mari/ASC, un’animazione ad acquerello sull’estinzione delle balene dell’oceano nord atlantico, un bellissimo lavoro per una Ong americana, Ifaw, International Fund for Animal Welfare. Sono illustrazioni che raccontano i pericoli e le cause della morte delle balene. L’animazione sara’ su web e sara’ anche presentata a Cape Cod in occasione di un evento, Cape Simphony Event. […]
08 maggio 2018
Carta dei Servizi di Napoli, Studio Eikon
Thanks to Daniel and Studio Container!
11 aprile 2018
La Stampa, il mio libro illustrato ad acquerelli sulla Francia! My watercolor illustrated book on La Stampa! Francia con Grace Kelly e pel di carota – La Stampa Su La Stampa Viaggi un articolo sul libro illustrato ad acquerello che ho fatto per Bompiani, e che racconta la Francia in modo diverso, le sue storie particolari, l’arte, gli scrittori famosi che l’hanno amata. Heminguay, Picasso, Coco Chanel, Man Ray, Josephine Baker. Roberto Giardina è stato molto […]
- Watercolor illustration of a tree, birds and flowers, for an exhibition in Milan, Sharing Art, about sharing economy, in Milan.